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Shhh. Our 3 Trade Secrets to Baking Great Bread.

Many people equate baking bread to rocket science and think it’s all too hard to bake a good loaf. Truthfully, when you know what you’re doing and are armed with the right knowledge it’s possibly easier than you think and also very rewarding. While we love baking and supplying you with your daily bread, we […]

So how does bread actually rise?

Most of the world’s population eats some bread, in some form or another, and it’s a food that’s been around for centuries. But how many people take the time to stop and think about exactly how bread is made? Even if you’ve experimented with bread making at home and are aware of the ingredients in […]

The Muffin Man

Oh, do you know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, do you know the muffin man, That lives on Drury Lane? Every time I see Muffins! I will surely be singing or humming this nursery rhyme song.  For me, nothing beats the wonderful blueberry muffins – these moist, full of juicy […]

A Snack – Not Just Baked Once, but Twice!

Remember the inspiring story about the burned biscuits?  Let me tell you again in my own simple way; the story starts with a family about to have dinner, and the mother placed a plate of sausage, eggs and extremely burned biscuits which the father ate without complaining.  And when the mother apologised to the father […]

Bakery and Café

As a child, I was a big fan of local bakeries I would remember a time when I would eat brownies with lots of walnuts on top or eat cakes and pastries to my taste bud’s desire; Strawberry cakes with the taste of real fresh strawberries, Blueberry Cheesecake baked to perfection topped with fresh blueberries, […]

100 Great Breads – White Bread

 Bread making dates back to the early days of history, and as with so many things, was discovered by accident. You can read more about bread making and the history of bread in these articles.